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Editing & Critique 

As an award-winning, agented author and previous novel editor, I have developed the perfect format for a successful query letter and opening 10 pages. I received 22 full manuscript requests on my own material that allowed me to sign with my dream agent. After working in the industry as a professional editor, I was able to study and perfect the art of marketing to such a degree that I can now glance at a query letter and tell the level of the writer. Many writers receive rejections simply because their query letter or pitch isn't formatted properly. Through this critique, I will teach you the tips and tricks to grab an agent from the first sentence through clear, concise format, rather than gimmicks that result in rejection. Together, we will polish your material and pitch properly to sign with your dream agent! 

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Together we will prep your submission material in an easy, stress-free way! With the proper critique, you are sure to master the submission material and sign with your dream agent! 

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